Situated in the Hultsfred municipality of Småland in southern Sweden, the idyllic little town of Målilla is known for record-setting temperatures and their bandy team. When the town’s elementary school, Målilla skola, needed to install a lift, Aritco helped them meet all their needs.

Elementary elevation
How did a small-town school in Sweden manage to tick all the relevant boxes when installing a new lift? Come along to Målilla to find out!
Back to school
Safety for everyone
About 150 children aged six to twelve attend Målilla skola. As anyone who has been around kids of that age – or can recall their own schoolyears – knows, there is plenty of energy and running around going on. When installing moving machinery in such an environment, nothing is more important than safety!
By choosing the Aritco PublicLift Access, Målilla skola got an elevator that maximizes both accessibility and safety for children and adults alike. Equipped with a SmartSafety system, the lift will not move unless the door has been fully closed and a button is continuously pressed. This ensures that no movement can happen before all passengers are in safe positions – something that teachers tasked with keeping an eye on those 150 kids will surely appreciate.

Minimum cost and construction
As all Aritco elevators do, the PublicLift Access requires minimum structural modifications when being installed in an existing building since it does not require a safety pit, headspace, or machinery room. This makes it a perfect fit for a school looking to add a lift.
Målilla skola wanted, as any school would, to keep both construction and the cost for installation to a minimum, making the Aritco PublicLift Access their ideal choice.

Beautiful design
Making safety and installation your top priorities does not mean that you must compromise on the aesthetics!
Målilla skola chose a soft blue color scheme for their new lift which not only matches the rest of the school’s environment but elevates it further. The lift fits right into its surroundings and provides a gentle and playful touch, making it not just a utility but a design feature that the kids, teachers, and parents will all appreciate.
With some assistance from the Aritco team, Målilla skola’s new elevator met or exceeded all the criteria they had, helping them continue providing a lift to many more generations of children!
What kind of lift would you design for a school, hotel, mall, or other public space? Play around in our LiftGuide to create your ideal public (or home) lift!