Considering itself a technological trailblazer, Aritco has a knack for making use of the latest innovations to improve both its products and overall user experience. We catch up with Klas Dybeck, Chief of IT and Digitalization and one of the key people leading this charge, to learn more about how Aritco utilizes one such innovation – Augmented Reality (AR).

Augmented Reality in the World of Aritco
Aritco’s Chief of IT and Digitalization, Klas Dybeck, talks about AR.
Elevated By Technology
What does working with IT and Digitalization look like at Aritco?
“We strive to be more than a traditional IT department that simply makes servers, equipment and other IT infrastructure run” Klas says, adding that “these things should just work, so that we can focus on being at the forefront of digitalization.”
“Our CEO wants us at IT to be a catalyst for innovation and encourages us to find cool and fun technological solutions and applications. Of course, there’s a bit of the ‘replace broken phones and fix computers’ work as well, but much of our time is spent on longer-term IT strategy and development.”

What is AR and how can Aritco’s customers and partners make use of it?
“Augmented Reality allows someone to place a digital depiction of something – in our case a lift – in a real space using a camera on their phone or pad. The way it works at Aritco is rather simple:
- The user designs their lift in our LiftGuide, using a supported device* with a camera.
- Once the design is ready, the button “See your lift in AR” appears.
- This starts the camera and prompts the user to choose a placement for the lift.
- Viola! The fully user-designed lift appears on screen as if physically there.
It is a really smooth and easy function to use and can be utilized just as well in a home as in a shopping mall.”
What is next in the tech pipeline for Aritco?
“First of all, getting the word out about the AR functionality we have, as it is a great and valuable tool for both partners and customers to visualize lift designs in their actual spaces. Next, there are countless opportunities now that we have built the 3D models and can easily utilize them elsewhere.”
“Virtual Reality (VR) is something that we are looking at more and both VR and AR could for instance be used at live events in new and interesting ways” Klas concludes, visibly excited about the future and further opportunities to tinker with tech at Aritco.
*Camera-equipped Apple and Android devices